"Web Aynama" by Tilahun Gessesse
"Ney Silesh" by Tilahun Gessesse
"Felege Asgelege" by Tilahun Gessesse
Tilahun Gessesse
"Kotuma Fikreye" by Alemayehu Eshete
Alemayehu Eshete
"Yeshi Hargetu" by Mahmoud Ahmed
"Yegeter Loga" by Mahmoud Ahmed
The great Bezunesh Bekele
An unknown singer with dancers - great!
Another unknown singer
Neway Debebe & Tsehaye Yohannes
"Tiru New" by Tsehaye Yohannes
"Fikrey Telemeni" by Tekle Tesfazghi
(c) Ethiopian 45s of the 60s and 70s